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★★★★★ (4.8) from 11,839+ customers


Here you can find our FAQ

frequently asked Questions


How long does delivery take?

Shipping in Germany takes place within 2-4 working days. Of course, there may be delays in some seasons, but usually no longer than 1 week.

Here you will find information about our shipping and shipping abroad.

Do you deliver abroad?

Yes, we deliver internationally. You can find more information about international shipping here .

What to do if my package hasn't arrived?

If your package has still not arrived after 7 days, please contact us by email and we will take care of your concerns.

How can I track my shipment?

You will receive an email from us with the tracking number for your shipment. This allows you to see when your shipment will arrive.

Return & Refund

Can I return my order?

Yes, you can return the package with the original packaging and in its original condition within 30 days. However, you will bear the shipping costs yourself. Personalized items, earrings and other hygiene items are excluded. More on this

To which address do I have to return my order?

Please send your return to the following address:

Kölner Straße 67A,
50226 Frechen

Please include a note with your order number.

Which items can I return?

You can return any piece of jewelry without giving any reason.
Excluded from this policy are: Earrings, Piercings, Studs & Personalized Items that had to be created for you.

You can find out more about this in our return policy.

Where is my refund?

As soon as we receive your return, we will check it for damage and defects. If everything is okay, we will refund your money as quickly as possible. However, this may take a few days depending on your bank account. Please also take into account holidays where no transactions take place.

Please allow this process approximately 1 week from the time you send the package back to us.

My order

What can I do if my order arrived damaged?

If your product arrives damaged or does not correspond to your order, please write us an email and we will send you your desired product again free of charge!

What can I do if I was sent the wrong product.

In rare cases it may happen that you are sent the wrong product. After all, we are only human.

Please contact us and we will send you the right product as soon as possible. You don't have to return the wrong product & there are no costs to you.

What can I do if I have entered the wrong delivery address?

If you have given an incorrect delivery address, please send us an email immediately with your order number and the correction so that we can adjust it accordingly.

Orders are given to DHL within 2 hours so there is not much time to process the order.

If you do not receive your package due to an incorrect address, the package will be sent back to us. However, you are responsible for sending the item again and you pay for the shipping yourself.

Our products

Does the jewelry stain?

No, the jewelry does not stain because our jewelry is made of 925 sterling silver and is additionally refined with a layer of platinum or 14-18 carat gold. The jewelry can be worn in everyday situations.

Do the products have a guarantee?

Yes, our products come with a two-year guarantee. However, you can also contact us outside of this period to find a solution.

What materials do you use?

You can find information about the materials we use here:

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